There's absolutely no doubt that a positive attitude plays a major role in recovery of the body from various ailments ranging from mild to severe. Various studies have shown time and again, the intimate connection between the disease- progression and the patient's outlook towards his illness. In today's competitive world, stress is inevitable. Not only does it occur from major professional setbacks but also from minor feuds with friends and relatives. In such a scenario, stress residing deep within our minds at the subconscious level, is sure to affect our bodies at the physical level.

"One US study showed that only 16 out of 100 people suffering from symptoms like abdominal pain, chest discomfort, headaches and backaches, had actual physical causes behind their complaints. Rest all were found to have, what is called as psychosocial causes. Such complaints which occur due to psychological causes are known as ‘Psychosomatic Ailments"

As physicians, as homeopaths, to be more precise, we should learn to talk to the subconscious side of our patient. And for eliciting what lies beneath the conscious, we must push ourselves, practice homeopathy in a slightly different way than how we conventionally do. Dr. Frederik Schroyens talks about interpreting the dreams of your patient, to delve into his subconscious mind in his online homeopathy course- Four Ways to Rejuvenate Your Practice. Learn it here-

The Homeopathic Academy

The incidence of psychosomatic ailments is on the rise off late, major reasons being, higher expectations as well as ambitions, increasing competition, rise in standard of living and the quality of life. We, as part of the medical fraternity, come across a number of such ailments where just a change in the lifestyle and attitude of the patient would help him way more than medications. 

 Examples include irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), hypertension, heart attacks etc. According to a research conducted in U.K. up to half of all cancers could be prevented by a few lifestyle changes in even those who have had a family history of the same. It is actually the attitude of the ailing person, which brings about the difference in the prognosis of two patients suffering from the same disease. 

While there is little we can do to control or modify our genes and environment, there is much we can do to influence the way our body responds to a trauma or illness, and this is in turn dependent on our attitude towards our illness. This is why, when a group of people are exposed to the same trauma, such as an injury, some respond to it with minor pain and recover soon while others may have fever as well, with the injury taking a longer time to heal. It's all in the mind is a quote that we often use but forget when we are stressed ourselves. How does our mind and attitude influence our body and its response to various stimuli, is still a topic that arouses interest among doctors and researchers.

That said, as homeopaths, we should know our tools, our medicines which are efficacious when it comes to the disorders of psychology. Learn Comparative Homeopathic Psychology from the master Dr. Philip Bailey, himself in his online Homeopathy course here-

The Homeopathic Academy

James Pierce says- The mind reflects the world and the world reflects the mind. Winston Churchill says- A society where men cannot speak their mind, cannot long endure. As doctors, making the world, a better place stays our prime responsibility and helping our patients improve at the level of the mind thus forms the first step of this great endeavor.