The Homeopathic Philosophy - Dr. Akshay Swami

The Homeopathic Philosophy


Level : CME (Advance), PG (Intermediate), UG (Beginner)

Course Validity : 365 days



Instructor: Dr. Akshay SwamiLanguage: English

What you will learn

About the course

In this course, we will learn about the ways through which homeopathy triggers the body’s natural ability to heal. This module teaches us about the benefits of using homeopathy and the scope of remedies for treating ailments in a gentle way. Sources of homoeopathic drugs are also explained. It also explains the qualities required to be a good practitioner and the need of philosophy. Branches of medicine and its basic principles are also explained. Vital force theory, disease, heredity, lifestyle hygiene and mind is also explained. Different approaches required in different cases are also discussed. Acute diseases and different conditions in which they affect the human body are explained along with chronic diseases and the fundamental cause is also explained. we will be learning about brief biography of Hahnemann, achievements of Hahnemann and criticism of the practice of his time. As a child Hahnemann showed remarkable aptitude for study. He had an exceptional talent for languages. Samuel Hahnemann, in full Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann, (born April 10, 1755, Meissen, Saxony [now in Germany]—died July 2, 1843, Paris, France), German physician, founder of the system of therapeutics known as homeopathy.

We will be learning about the cardinal principles of homoeopathy. The cardinal principles are law of similia, law of simplex, theory of vital force, law if minimum, doctrine of drug proving, theory of chronic disease and doctrine of drug dynamization. The cardinal principles are well explained. Brief explanation of miasms, as the fundamental cause of disease is well explained. We will learn about interpretation of the sick, disease and vital force with emphasis on human as a single entity. Homoeopathy perceives that there is always something prior to pathological changes of the human body. The simple substance of the human body is the vital principle that keeps all the functions of human body in harmony. The investigation of the cause of the disease is very much important before taking the case as nothing exists without a cause.
We sill also learn that there are apparent diseases which are not really diseases but merely disturbed states of health which may be called as indispositions. They are also known as mimicking sickness. A psoric individual has periods of indispositions from external cause but these external causes do not inflict psora on an individual. 

In Homeopathy susceptibility is considered as the general quality or capability of the living organism of receiving impressions; the power to react to stimuli. Every real medicine, namely, acts at all times, under all circumstances, on every living human being, and produces in him its peculiar symptoms (distinctly perceptible if the dose be large enough) so that evidently every human organism is liable to be affected, and, as it were, inoculated with the medical disease, at all times and absolutely (unconditionally), which, is by no means the case with the natural disease.

We will learn that the immaterial vital principle, i.e., simple substance, everywhere pervades the organism, and in disease this disorder everywhere pervades the organism, it pervades every cell and every portion of the human economy. We will see in course of time that the change in form of a cell is the result first of disorder, that the derangement of the immaterial vital principle is the very beginning of the disorder, and that with this beginning there are changes in sensation by which man may know this beginning, which occurs long before there is any visible change in the material substance of the body. In Homeopathy, remedies are selected on the basis of Totality of symptom. The most appropriate remedy suitable to the patient is called similimum. When such a similimum is given to the patient, at times a temporary intensification of the symptoms may occur to the patient. This aggravation shall be mild and usually last only for a short period. Such an effect sometimes occurs following the first dose of the remedy or when the remedy has been taken more often than needed or if the person is unusually sensitive. 

A detailed explanation of the Kents 12 observations have been made with proper examples. The Philosophy of Homoeopathy rests upon the general interpretations of the system of nature which science universally recognizes as fundamental. The laws of nature have been demonstrated in relation to the laws of homeopathy. The various schools of philosophy may be broadly classified as materialistic, idealistic and substantialistic. Human pathology is the science which treats of diseased or abnormal conditions of living human beings. It is customary to divide the subject into general pathology and special pathology. Special pathology is divided into medical pathology, dealing with internal morbid conditions, and surgical pathology, which deals with external conditions. General pathology bears the same relation to special pathology that philosophy bears to the special sciences. It is the synthesis of the analyses made by special pathology. It deals with principles, theories, explanations and classifications of facts. By posology (from the Greek, posos, how much) we mean the science or doctrine of dosage. A physiological dose means a dose of a drug, empirically selected, of sufficient quantity and strength to produce a definite, predetermined effect or group of symptoms. Practically it amounts to the maximum dose consistent with safety.

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